My Work
Paintings. Illustration. Occasionally Sculpture.

"Nature never did betray the heart that loved her,"- William Wordsworth Scanned photo collage.

Watercolor painting of two male betta fish.

Watercolor painting of a green and red macaw.

Watercolor painting of a rabbit next to a clover

Scanned photo collage of pages from "Killer Heat" by Linda Fairstein and drawn moths.

Pet portrait drawn on ProCreate.

"It's not all men." It isn't all men, but 97% of women have been abused, attacked and frightened. This poster contains words used by men when defending themselves against accusations, never holding themselves accountable. This poster also contains a teal bracelet to honor Sexual Assualt Awareness, as well as the phone number to a helpline.

A dragon based off the descriptions of Jorge Luis Borges.

Watercolor painting of a pretty flower.